The Story Behind the Story!
Why Care if Anyone Gets to Know Jesus or Not?
A Twenty-year Journey for Dr. Glen; a Three-Year Bible Study for You.
Dr. Glen taught the life and teachings of Jesus Christ during his years in preaching ministry. Using a harmony of the Gospels – a book in which the text of Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John have been placed side by side on the page – he wanted others to see what each Gospel says about Jesus’ life.
Each time, it took him three years to complete – just as Jesus’ ministry lasted three years…
Over those years, as he served in churches full of members who believed in Jesus, Dr. Glen saw many had little true knowledge of His life and teachings. What knowledge they did have was a handful of major events.

There is a serious need in our churches for those who believe in Jesus to have more knowledge of His life and teachings.
Often, little was done to put Jesus’ life events into chronological order. Some bible studies helped apply the Gospel to our daily lives, but others were more information and historical than life-practical.
A survey at a Christian convention asked people, “What is the greatest problem in the United States today? Seventy-Five percent said, “We (Christians) are not following Jesus.” The obvious solution is to study the life and teachings of Christ and let Him change us into being true “followers.”
An awareness of the needs of Christians in our churches today was brought to his attention. Through events in his own life, Glen realized Jesus experienced every situation we experience, and He knows the solution to every problem we face.
Christians want to live a Christ-like life. But we have little tangible knowledge about what Jesus taught in His life. There is a serious need for us to model our lives after the example established by Jesus living among us on this earth.
Glen first wrote out an outline of the lessons from a Harmony of the Gospels that he had previously used when teaching through Christ’s life. Then he started assembling a new Harmony of the Gospels, writing the lessons, discussion questions, and homework questions for the “Getting To Know Jesus” Bible study series.
Realizing that many felt they already knew Jesus, the focus of the ministry changed to encouraging Christians to walk with Jesus. “Walking with Jesus” became a complete Bible study of every event in Jesus’ life.
It takes time to build a relationship that changes your life. This is why it was time for Dr. Glen to write the “Walking With Jesus” Bible study. The more you spend time with someone, the more you become like them.
Jesus’ ministry lasted for three years because there is no way that we can become like Him in just 13 weeks. Why not spend more time with Jesus so that we can become more like Him? A solution that solves many of our heartaches and anxieties.
Why did he do it?
Glen was born and raised going to church. He learned about Jesus’ love and forgiveness from his childhood.
In Boy Scouts, Glen earned his God and Country Award. In high school, he was challenged to take at least one year of Bible College.
After graduating from state college, Glen felt led to enter the preaching ministry and return to Bible college and eventually spend the rest of his life trying to help others grow in their relationship with Jesus Christ.
Loving Jesus all his life and through his childhood and college experiences, he grew to want to serve Jesus more. For many years, he was in a full-time preaching ministry where he preached, taught Bible study groups, and wrote class material on several topics. Even when Glen wasn’t in preaching ministry, he was always in volunteer ministry.
Glen sought to teach Bible study classes whenever and wherever he could. He has never lost his passion to help others become closer to God through the study and application of His Word to our lives today.
Lives are changed and churches are strengthened when the members of those churches study the life of Jesus. His teachings and example influence how they handle the life situations that they encounter today.
When more members become like Christ, we set a better example in our daily lives. We become better witnesses to those around us. We are becoming living examples of what Jesus would do if He were alive today and living in our situation.
Was God planting a seed in Glen’s heart for a three-year Bible study about the life and teachings of Jesus?
Glen wrote “Walking With Jesus” with the understanding that if we spend time with Jesus Christ in His life and teachings, over time, we will naturally become more like Him. Glen felt led by the Holy Spirit to write a Bible study series on the life and teachings of Jesus Christ, using all four Gospels and making application to our lives today.
That is the foundation for the Walking with Jesus” Bible study series. Each event in Jesus’ life points you to see how to have hope and grace through the challenging life of today.
As you embark on this journey through the life of Christ, Glen prays that you will get to know Him better, love Him more and change those things in your life that you need to change to become more like Him.
Let’s go on an adventure together “Walking With Jesus”!