How God Draws Us to Christ!

“Walking With Jesus”

How God Draws Us to Christ!

How far would you travel to see a grandchild, nephew or niece? How far would you travel to see some celebrity or public figure or Presidential inauguration? Have you ever had to flee for your life or for the safety of your family? Have you left it all behind to flee and start over in a foreign land? How does God draw us to His Son?

Getting Christ Back into America


It is amazing to see the liberals blame President Donald J. Trump for things that they started as though it is his fault.

It was Obama and Black Lives Matter that raised up the racism.

It was liberal “white supremists” that played the race card against the blacks.

It was progressive Antifa that has been engaging in violent demonstrations against anyone they don’t like.

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Get a free eBook containing the first 10 lessons of the Walking With Jesus Bible Study Series!