The Easy Life

Does life sometimes become a heavy burden full of weighty issues that you wish you didn’t have to deal with? Sickness, handicap, declining health? Money for bills and things you really need? Family squabbles, wayward relationships with others? We all have them. All of us want relief. We want freedom from the “Hard Life” that we are going through.
Church or State?

When Eve sinned (in Adam’s presence and he didn’t stop her but joined in), they were at odds with their Supreme Leader – God.
Most of mankind has been struggling against God ever since.
God & Government – Part 1

1. God & Government in the Old Testament
Patriarchs – Abraham, Isaac, Jacob – 4,000 B.C. They were the oldest male in the family clan. All were recognized as authorities over their respective clans.
Judges – God used Judges after the Israelites became more and more of a nation. They were “the government” of God’s people until the time of the Kings.
Exodus 18:13–26 – Moses was called a judge.
Exodus 18:13–26 – God called for judges to be appointed through Israel.
Power of Jesus’ Name

It disturbs me to hear people use Jesus’ name as an expression of emotion or anger or even hatred towards someone or something.
Praying “in Jesus’ Name” is now prohibited in many government circles. They are trying to silence any mention of Jesus (because they think that by prohibiting our freedom of speech and religion, they can make Him go away and not feel convicted of their sin). Just like the Jews in the early days of the Church, non-believers think that suppressing the name of Jesus will cause Christianity to go away – Acts 5:40–42.

O what we will do to change our image – makeup, clothing styles, behaviors, activities, medical help, etc. We will even change the rules of the game so we can justify our behavior and pretend we do not have to abide by what the real rules are. We say it is unfair when someone else imposes their rules on us.
God & Politics

Some people have tried to misstate that the church should stay out of politics. That is a very mistaken notion that is not supported in Scripture. Here are some observations on the history of God’s people and their involvement either in government or speaking to or about the rights and wrongs of their governing leaders.