How Do I Walk With Jesus?

How Do I Walk With Jesus? Christians around the world want to have a closer walk with Jesus. Their question will often be, “How do I walk with Jesus? Walking With Jesus is first of all a state of mind. It is drawing so close to Jesus that you are constantly aware of His presence […]

Restoring the UNITED States


Many are disturbed at the divisiveness and disunity currently being propagated in America. This became a problem in the last ten years as various groups were instigated to agitate, make claims that were often times false or misrepresented, only for the purpose of stirring up division and causing riots, violence and destroying the “united” on which our states were formed. In reality, the real problem is as old as our nation.

Church or State?


When Eve sinned (in Adam’s presence and he didn’t stop her but joined in), they were at odds with their Supreme Leader – God.

Most of mankind has been struggling against God ever since.

The REAL Problem

Ten dead and ten wounded – What’s wrong with this picture? Three shot at a graduation, one killed. What is happening in our schools that wasn’t happening 20, 40 even 50 years ago?

Looking at what is different will help point to the only Real solution.

Get a free eBook containing the first 10 lessons of the Walking With Jesus Bible Study Series!

Get a free eBook containing the first 10 lessons of the Walking With Jesus Bible Study Series!