REVIVAL – The Next “Great Awakening”

Calling America to Turn Back to Jesus By Dr. Glen M. Copple, Minister of the Word Let’s get something started to bring a “Revival” to the United States. Most Christians will agree that we need another “Great Awakening” to call Christians back to being followers of Jesus Christ and restoring the Christian heritage that established […]

How Do I Walk With Jesus?

How Do I Walk With Jesus? Christians around the world want to have a closer walk with Jesus. Their question will often be, “How do I walk with Jesus? Walking With Jesus is first of all a state of mind. It is drawing so close to Jesus that you are constantly aware of His presence […]

Faithfulness Fruit for Christmas


“Old Faithful” is a famous geyser in Wyoming’s Yellowstone National Park. It was so named in 1870 because it reliably erupts at somewhat consistent and predictable intervals. A famous Latin motto, Semper fidelis, means “Always faithful.” God is always faithful, and we should learn to take Him at His word.

What is needed in everyone’s life is the Fruit of the Spirit –

Love Fruit


Governor Rick Scott is asking how to stop the mass shooting. The Only REAL solution is to get God and the teachings of the Bible (including the Ten Commandments) back into our schools. Teach people to LOVE one another!

No One Expected…


Spoke on restoring the UNITED States. The crux of that message was the Great Commission in Matthew 28:18-20. Since then, I gave some thought to the Apostles and what happened after that. It brought me to an interesting revelation that applies to what we are seeking to do here at Northside. Mark 16:1-7 – I would like to follow up on what happened after the Great Commission that no one expected.

Restoring the UNITED States


Many are disturbed at the divisiveness and disunity currently being propagated in America. This became a problem in the last ten years as various groups were instigated to agitate, make claims that were often times false or misrepresented, only for the purpose of stirring up division and causing riots, violence and destroying the “united” on which our states were formed. In reality, the real problem is as old as our nation.

Living Eternally


Remember the excitement when you were anticipating something good. A vacation trip with mom and dad, Christmas, getting married, first baby? Let’s talk about a spiritual trip that we can get excited about. People have varying feelings about death. Some dread it. Almost everyone seeks ways to avoid it. Some look forward to it.

The Easy Life


Does life sometimes become a heavy burden full of weighty issues that you wish you didn’t have to deal with? Sickness, handicap, declining health? Money for bills and things you really need? Family squabbles, wayward relationships with others? We all have them. All of us want relief. We want freedom from the “Hard Life” that we are going through.

Church or State?


When Eve sinned (in Adam’s presence and he didn’t stop her but joined in), they were at odds with their Supreme Leader – God.

Most of mankind has been struggling against God ever since.

How God Draws Us to Christ!

“Walking With Jesus”

How God Draws Us to Christ!

How far would you travel to see a grandchild, nephew or niece? How far would you travel to see some celebrity or public figure or Presidential inauguration? Have you ever had to flee for your life or for the safety of your family? Have you left it all behind to flee and start over in a foreign land? How does God draw us to His Son?

Get a free eBook containing the first 10 lessons of the Walking With Jesus Bible Study Series!

Get a free eBook containing the first 10 lessons of the Walking With Jesus Bible Study Series!